Monday, September 27, 2010

Wall Street Journal Article

The article I chose to read was about Disney are how its president of internactive-media division resigned on Thursday. Steve Wadsworth was in the position for 11 years and went through many changes with this extremely successful company. He was in charge of  making and marketing videogames as well as providing support for many of Disney's operating units. He said that this was the right time for him to resign and he sent out an e-mail to all of the staff explaining to them about his decision to do this.
This company has struggled especially in this area because they did not have a clear mission. They know that they need to come up with and implement new thechnological ideas that will be very popular, but they have struggled to find them. This has been a big frustration for all of the executives in charge of it. Comparing what Disney is going through as one of the mpst succesful companies ever, makes me think about how hard it is for smaller companies to succeed and come up with new and fresh ideas that will be applealing to others.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Finance Video

The finance video showed me a lot of new things that I did not know. It explained a lot of the preparations and arrangements that are necessary money-wise to start a business. A very important point that is covers is getting a loan. Since most people who start a business do not have the huge amounts of money necessary to start a business in their pockets, they must get a loan. This is very important because it is the biggest source that they use to get everything going and start producing as well as making money.
Getting a loan is time consuming, and you must have the appropriate research and knowledge to get the one you need. There are many different types or loans and paths you can choose to take when getting a loan. Not to mention that your credit score has to be really good. Another thing is the collateral you have, which is a big part of what the lender will look at when considering giving out a loan.
The last thing that I considered the most important is having your business plan accurate and complete, because it will actually be what start off your company either successfully or unsuccessfully.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The First Two Weeks

These past few weeks that I have started going to college have been a real challenge for me. It was hard to get all of my classes organized and figuring out all of the things I have to do for each. It is a big change having so much information and assignments to do online rather than on paper. Even though it has been hard I have enjoyed it and I know that it will be better once I get used to how things are supposed to be done now.
The hardest obstacle for me has been finding time to do all of my homework and to complete all the reading I am supposed to be doing for my classes. It has been the biggest obstacle because I am working and going to school. Work has been taking most of my time when I am not in school. I realized that I will have to cut back on hours at work if I want to have time to do all of my homework.
One skill that I have applied to my life already is how to present myself to other people. This has helped me at work because I have to deal with people and talk to them even if they look intimidating. I still have a lot to learn about this, but it has giving me a little more confidence.

Business Management Videos

I never realized how many factors affect a business, even if it is small. Watching all of these videos taught me so much about how a company really gets started and what it takes to keep it running in order to be successful. Starting with a business pland all the way to crime prevention is so much stuff to take into consideration!
I learned that having your own business is really a lot more difficult than it seems. And, especially having a business that is successful and will be able to stay in the market for a long time, which means being able to adjust and go through changes. One of the things that I think is most important now a days is technology. Since technology is growing and changing every single day, it is very important to keep up with the lastest updates. Not only because it is very convinient for the company and for the customers, but also because it is something that will ruin make your competitors stand out and surpass your success.